Frequently Asked Questions

There are three main ways to tell us about your technology:

  1. You can apply to one of our open opportunities.
  2. Join our network and tell us what you do. You'll be alerted to AAL's opportunities that align with your business as they become available.
  3. You can apply to our Broad Agency Announcement. It's important to note this method doesn't have dedicated funding attached to it.

To get started using the Army's Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) funding, check out these links:

SPARTN combines Army SBIR funding and AAL's business model to create a program that moves — and pays — at the speed of business. SPARTN is a whole-of-Army approach to innovation that blends government and industry best practices to enable more effective project funding.

You can join our network email list to stay up to date on open opportunities to work with the Army. This email list will generate communications that align with your company’s selected capabilities, and we won’t spam you.

You can also sign up for our general email list, which provides information about all of AAL's projects, upcoming events, and more.

And you can follow us on LinkedIn, X, and Instagram for more content about current projects, upcoming events, and AAL news.

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